Save 25% on green fees or get 10% off a season ticket*
For more information call the courses direct or visit
Braid Hills Golf Course 0131 447 6666
Carrick Knowe Golf Course 0131 337 1096
Craigentinny Golf Course 0131 554 7501
Portobello Golf Course 0131 669 4361
Silverknowes Golf Course 0131 336 3843
Wee Braids Golf Course 0131 666 2210
25% savings valid all day Mon-Fri, Sat & Sun after 2pm (April-Sept) and after 12 noon (Oct-March). Benefits card must be shown. One card required per person.
*Season ticket discounts only available to new members. For terms call the starter.
Registered Scottish Charity No: SC027450